The E. R. W. Neale Undergraduate Scholarship is offered annually by the Newfoundland and Labrador Section of the Geological Association of Canada. The scholarship is open to declared majors in Earth Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland. One scholarship valued at $1000 will be offered annually, on the basis of academic achievement, financial need and character. The scholarship is awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships and Financial Aid on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences.

E.R.W. (Ward) Neale was a founding member of GAC NL, where he was our first secretary treasurer. As the head of the Earth Science Department at MUN from 1968 to 1976 he spearheaded the drive to make it one of the premier geology departments in the world, and inspired generations of budding earth scientists.

The ever persuasive Ward Neale makes a point at a science fair in Calgary, circa 2004 (photographer unknown)

Ward Neal interacting with a child during a “mall science” event run by the Calgary Science Network, circa 1998 (photographer unkown)

More information on Ward Neale’s career and his impact on the Canadian Geoscience Community can be found here: